I will be joining ranks with NAMBLA in an effort to spread EQUALITY. Right now, it is in greater need of a civil rights movement. For those of you who don't know, click on the link to find out.
I could go on and on about how much these other organizations really need our help. But, I won't. In case you did look up NAMBLA you might be outraged right now. Don't stop reading just yet.
I was inspired to blog by the various Prop 8'ers out there who fight to the death. My greatest inspiration was the following two arguements: 1. Homosexuality is not a morality issue. 2. If knowing someone who is such a good person they could do no harm, are hurting no one by their choice, and are entitled to be happy like the rest of us THEN homosexual marriages should be condoned. The Onion provided perfect fodder in it's classic article titled: Massachusetts Supreme Court Orders All Citizens To Gay Marry, cited again by those freedom fighters who find us hetero's too closed minded and influenced by religion. Silly us. So, out came my own passive-agressive satirical response filled with little tid-bits of reality.
I will campaign with NAMBLA when I campaign for gay rights. I will campagin for every other that comes along if I campaign for gay rights. I firmly believe all who campaign for gay rights should be campaigning for all the rest. Pave the way for others who are oppressed. Take me off your friend list now if you don't think they are or will be the same issue for civil rights. It doesn't matter if you take it in terms of morality, evolution, or simple logic. I view it all the exact same way and that's equality to me. I don't care how good of a person you are friend, family, or foe. I do not change my beliefs and condone practices I am opposed to no matter how much I like you or hate you. As The Onion points out: "This is a victory, not only for our state, but for America," Festa said. "Simply allowing consenting gay adults the same rights as heterosexuals was never the point. By forcing everyone in the state into a gay marriage, we're setting the stage for our more pressing hidden agendas: mandatory sodomy and, in due time, the legalization of bestiality and pedophilia." Well, The Onion, NAMBLA is next. Don't discriminate!
Nambla is not a joke. When I first heard about I felt physically ill. It is absolutely not civil. Nothing about any of this is civil. I find gay rights activism entirely ridiculous. Especially when they call it an issue of civil right and have the audacity to compare it to racism or discrimination. It is entirely a lie to say it has nothing to do with morality either. I know full well the path gay rights will lead to. Nambla is a memeber of the gay and lesbian alliance... It's not a far stretch to say they could be next if we keep going in the direction we are. In Rome it was a fairly common practice among the wealth and I really do think if the Romans could accept a practice as perverse as this, so can we in our degredation of morals and humanity -- even the break down of family. It's a parasite on our society and "liberal" thinkers seem to think it's can be rationalized. Yes, it is a satire but an truthful one at that. If you followed the links on my original blog you'll see how lax we are getting in accepting these things. I intended to post all the "so-and-so-got-arrested-for-doing-this-exact-thing" articles but they were so outlandish that it was sickening to see they were true. It outrages me that anyone can argue for such dehumanizing behaviors and call it "progressive." Maybe my posts are over-the-top but really, this issue is over-the-top and I am astounded at how many take it so lightly and don't think of it as a big deal.
ReplyDeleteI am glad to see that you are not seriously supporting such groups. I must admit I wasn't sure if you were being satirical or serious. Perhaps writing about such things in a way that shows how depraved they are by developing a good argument against them may say just as much, but keep the rest of us from wondering about what type of lifestyle you've bought into.;)
ReplyDeleteI did write an article like that and few months back...I got a lot of hate mail and personal attacks against myself and my religion. Apparently freedom of speech is taken as discrimination now if you state it like it is.
ReplyDeleteI didn't consider I am sort of a mystery to family memebers. Dave's the only one who got it but he knows me pretty well.
I was involved with a very conservative political group for a number of years so my opinion is not quiet. I respect people of all backgrounds and feel behind every face there's a vast take on the world. I love that about people. I'm not a very judgemental person and I accept people for who they are. Sometimes it means I don't agree with what they do or believe in but we still get along.
sheesh, ok, next time I'll just post satirical responses.